Saturday, 13 January 2007

25. Untitled


Bullet weed, silent torches
Questions, unrehearsed
Pull my plug my patricidic pastor
Watch me float the torpedoes


Sleeping on the rehab slab
I dabbled and daily died
In keeping with my dear old dad
I bubbled up and deeply cried.


Forfeit my dire persuasive
Holy hell and what has come?
Ready, steady...bang...bang...bang!
I sense a lack a day and aim weakened.


She said that if he loved her, he would ask her to marry him.
He told her that he did not love her yet as they had only known each other
a relatively short time.
She still, never the less, insisted that he propose to her and added that if he did not,
she would kill herself.
He laughed this off as crazy talk and replied again that they should wait and let
nature take it's course. Love cannot be rushed nor forced.
She was oblivious, still, to his words and demanded that they be wed.
She didn't seem to realise that what she felt was not how he felt. It was currently a one way thing.
He sympathised with her, he liked her a great deal, until today that was, but what she asked was not what was in his heart.
It didn't feel right and the beauty he had seen in her now seemed a million miles away.
True to her word a few days later she committed suicide.
An overdose on booze and pills.
She had either went crazy with adoration for him or just simply unhinged completely.
Whatever the cause was, it didn't matter, she had done what she had said she would do and he couldn't believe it.
he could not comprehend it nor come to terms with it and for an eternal few months he relived that day over and over in his head.
Slowly but surely, the whole scenario as crazy as it was, it sent him slowly mad. he began
to believe that the whole thing was his fault and consequently suffered two nervous breakdowns.
Not only had she destroyed her own life and the happiness of her family, but she now had destroyed her true love.
The end result being, that after several spells in psychiatric hospitals, he too committed suicide.
An overdose on pills and booze.

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